Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Curse of the Crabs & DEGOP Photo Phun.

Celia Cohen's Delaware Grapevine ponders whether Vance Phillips' annual Crab Feast & Watermelon Extravaganza in Sussex County has become a political curse.

You be the judge:

George Allen in happier times, before Big Jim Webb started to get under his skin. The funny thing is, his pre-macaca appearance at the Curse of the Crabs looks a hell of a lot like "the" macaca appearance in Virginia:

Lordy. Welcome to Delaware, Georgie. Anyway, plunging further into the depths of the Crab Curse, we find these three doomed candidates waltzing on the deck of the Titanic:

Of course, we all know how this turned out. Santorum: Lost big. Man-on-dog big. Ting: Lost even bigger. Less than 30% of the vote? Ouchie! And then there's poor Ferris Wharton: Lost and shouldn't have.

While we're at it, the newly Copelandized DEGOP's website has some real sweet photos for fun-making. For instance, this essay of white Republicans with purple fingers showing "solidarity" with Iraqi voters is worth several chuckles. There's nothing like dipping your finger in food color to show your bravery. Although we're not so sure it was food coloring Ron Poliquin dipped his finger in:



Anonymous said...

Poliquin's finger is purple. He's standing next to Christine O'Donnell. Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

'man-on-dog big.'

LOVE it.

Publius said...

I was wondering if that was O'Donnell. She looks a little less, um, polished in that photo.

By the way, has anyone else noticed that her signs were being vandalized in a very interesting way? People were cutting out her photo and leaving the rest...

Anonymous said...

that was mike, taking the pictures for his bedroom shrine...